Emu Oil for Acne

FDA Compliant for
Stated Uses
Use emu oil for acne because it helps dry out pimples or blemishes
Fights infection while moisturizing the skin.
Helps to heal the skin and prevent scarring.
Just a dab on the affected area.
View the product label
FDA Compliance: What does this mean? If you advertise a
product for use on Arthritis, Acne, Psoriasis, Eczema or as an antifungal you need to have an FDA approved drug
that is approved for that use; it needs to be properly labeled as the active ingredient,
and all the other ingredients must be listed as inactive.
This means that all the good stuff like Emu Oil, MSN, Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Tea Tree Oil etc. are now listed as
inactive. This does not mean that they are not important. If you take out the emu
oil, none of the products would work well. We used just enough of the active drug to keep the F.D.A. happy to make
claims for uses.